Correspondence School Driver Education

For NMDOT approved Correspondence Driver Education Schools click HERE

For Correspondence Driver Education Application click HERE

For Parents of Prospective Students

The New Mexico Department of Transportation, Traffic Safety Division (TSD) retains authority over all New Mexico driver education schools. As such, preference is given to traditional, face-to-face driver education instruction such as offered by public high school and private, for-profit, driver education school programs.

However, correspondence driver education schools may offer a solution for students in New Mexico who have specific reasons for being unable to attend a traditional, face-to-face driver education school program.

The New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC 18.20.3) establishes the eligibility criteria for students seeking enrollment in a correspondence driver education school program.

Eligibility Requirements:

1. Must be 15 years of age on or before the date the correspondence course will be completed.

(Students are provided a maximum of 1 year to complete the course)

2. There is not a driver education school program offered at the student’s mid-school, junior high school or high school.

3. There is not a private driver education school within twenty-five (25) miles of the person’s home.

Eligibility Exceptions:

There are no exceptions to the age requirement. Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria of #2 or #3 may still qualify under the following conditions:

A. Home Schooling: students who are home schooled may qualify if the parent or legal guardian submits with the application; official verification or notification from the New Mexico Public Education Department.

B. Scholastic Schedule/Activity: students who are involved in scholastic activities, school sponsored activities may qualify if the parent or legal guardian submits with the application supporting documentation from the school describing the scholastic activity, including the specific days/hours/times of the activity that demonstrate direct conflict with the days/hours/times of either a public school driver education or private driver education school program. Such documentation must be on official letterhead and signed by a school official.

C. Student Employment: students who are also employed while in school may qualify if the parent or legal guardian submits with the application a statement detailing the student’s place of employment, including the days/hours/times of the employment that demonstrate direct conflict with either a public school driver education or private driver education school program.

D. Extenuating Circumstances: students with extenuating circumstances such as medical illness, or similar, or otherwise not described in the above exceptions may qualify if the parent or legal guardian submits with the application an explanation or other supporting documentation describing the circumstances that prevent the student from attending a public school or private driver education school program. If it’s a parental scheduling issue the explanation must include days/hours/times that directly conflict with the days/hours/times of a public school driver education or private driver education program.

Note: Extenuating circumstances are evaluated on a case-by-case-by-case basis. Personal preference or cost of tuition fees are not considered extenuating circumstances

 Correspondence Driver’s Education Contact: 

Stacy Souza

Teen Drivers Guide to New Mexico’s Graduated License….Click here…