


Training is required in order to become licensed as a Driver Education, Driving Safety, or DWI School Facilitator in the State of New Mexico. In addition, certain Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) are required.

PRIOR APPROVAL FOR TRAINING: New instructors must apply for licensing and be approved for training BEFORE being permitted to register for any of these trainings.  If a new instructor attends without approval to become a Traffic Safety instructor, there will not be a refund for any courses taken. 

Class size is limited. All courses require prior approval from the Traffic Safety Center before enrolling. Classes close one week before the class start date. Be advised that if you do register before you have authorization and your instructor application is denied, you will not be entitled to a refund of the tuition fee (where applicable).  

WARNING: The course can only be dropped 13 days prior to course start date, there will be 10% fee once dropped.

If you have any questions about the training please email: